Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Feasibility study – conference

In 2014 the Swedish city Umeå is the European Capital of Culture. Therefore the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (SAERG) are planning to organise an international conference in Umeå about the cultural and creative sector. Volante Research was tasked by SAERG to do a feasibility study about the structure of the conference, i.e. investigate suggestions for the overarching theme of the conference and come up with ideas for the format of the conference.
The feasibility study consisted of research and intelligence gathering including interviews with prominent people in the policy discussion about the cultural and creative sector around Europe. Our findings and suggestions was presented for SAERG in a written report and oral presentation.
The conference will be held in Umeå 23-24 of September and the theme will be “The Impact of Culture – Creative businesses for sustainable cities”. The detailed programme and information about how to register will be published shortly.